You are currently using a web browser that does not support HTML 5 with style sheets.
Please try the standard HTML 5, XHTML 1 or XHTML 1 Mobile version of this page instead.
These are the common (global) attributes that can be used on various HTML tags.
The class Attribute |
The class HTML attribute
The class attribute
<p class="centered">Alignment of this paragraph will be
determined by the settings of the ".center" style.</p>
Google Translate class attribute
Although it is a misuse of the class attribute,
Google Translate recognizes the specific value notranslate ,
indicating that the content of the element should not be translated
into other spoken languages.
<span class="notranslate">...</span>
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The contenteditable Attribute |
The contenteditable HTML attribute
The contenteditable attribute
<span contenteditable="">...</span>
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The Author-Defined data-* Attributes |
The author-defined <data-*> attributes
<span data-latitude="40°19'N" data-longitude="79°59'35"W">...</span>
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The dir Attribute |
The dir HTML attribute
The dir attribute
<span dir="">...</span>
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The draggable Attribute |
The draggable HTML attribute
The draggable attribute
<span draggable="">...</span>
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The hidden Attribute |
The hidden HTML attribute
The hidden attribute
<span hidden="">...</span>
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The id Attribute |
The id HTML attribute
The id attribute
<span id="mytag">...</span>
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The item Attribute |
The item HTML attribute
The item attribute is used for "microdata", which can be machine-readable.
More information:
item attribute
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The lang Attribute |
The lang HTML attribute
The lang attribute
<span lang="">...</span>
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The spellcheck Attribute |
The spellcheck HTML attribute
The spellcheck attribute
<span spellcheck="">...</span>
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The style Attribute |
The style HTML attribute
The style attribute
<span style="">...</span>
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The tabindex Attribute |
The tabindex HTML attribute
The tabindex attribute
<span tabindex="">...</span>
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The title Attribute |
The title HTML attribute
The title attribute
Line breaks within the title attribute in the source code
are significant and will be included if the title is displayed.
<span title="">...</span>
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The <on...> Event Attributes |
The <on...> Event attributes
The list of the event attributes include:
- onabort
- The
onabort attribute
- onbeforeonload
- The
onbeforeonload attribute
- onbeforeunload
- The
onbeforeunload attribute
- onblur
- The
onblur attribute
- oncanplay
- The
oncanplay attribute
- oncanplaythrough
- The
oncanplaythrough attribute
- onchange
- The
onchange attribute
- onclick
- The
onclick attribute
- The
oncontextmenu attribute
- oncopy
- The
oncopy attribute
- oncut
- The
oncut attribute
- ondblclick
- The
ondblclick attribute
- ondrag
- The
ondrag attribute
- ondragend
- The
ondragend attribute
- ondragenter
- The
ondragenter attribute
- ondragleave
- The
ondragleave attribute
- ondragover
- The
ondragover attribute
- ondragstart
- The
ondragstart attribute
- ondrop
- The
ondrop attribute
- ondurationchange
- The
ondurationchange attribute
- onemptied
- The
onemptied attribute
- onended
- The
onended attribute
- onerror
On the body tag, the
onerror attribute is a property of the document's window object.
On other elements, the onerror attribute is a property of the HTML element itself.
- onfocus
- The
onfocus attribute
- onformchange
- The
onformchange attribute
- onforminput
- The
onforminput attribute
- ongesturechange
- The
ongesturechange attribute
- ongestureend
- The
ongestureend attribute
- ongesturestart
- The
ongesturestart attribute
- oninput
- The
oninput attribute
- onkeydown
- The
onkeydown attribute
- onkeypress
- The
onkeypress attribute
- onkeyup
- The
onkeyup attribute
- onload
On the body tag, the
onload attribute is a property of the document's window object.
On other elements, the onload attribute is a property of the HTML element itself.
- onloadeddata
- The
onloadeddata attribute
- onloadedmetadata
- The
onloadedmetadata attribute
- onloadstart
- The
onloadstart attribute
- onmousedown
- The
onmousedown attribute
- onmousemove
- The
onmousemove attribute
- onmouseout
- The
onmouseout attribute
- onmouseover
- The
onmouseover attribute
- onmouseup
- The
onmouseup attribute
- onmousewheel
- The
onmousewheel attribute
- onmove
- The
onmove attribute
- onorientationchange
- The
onorientationchange attribute
- onpaste
- The
onpaste attribute
- onpause
- The
onpause attribute
- onplay
- The
onplay attribute
- onplaying
- The
onplaying attribute
- onprogress
- The
onprogress attribute
- onratechange
- The
onratechange attribute
- onreadystatechange
- The
onreadystatechange attribute
- onreset
- The
onreset attribute has been deprecated in HTML 5 and should not be used.
- onresize
- The
onresize attribute
- onscroll
- The
onscroll attribute
- onseek
- The
onseek attribute
- onseeking
- The
onseeking attribute
- onselect
- The
onselect attribute
- onshow
- The
onshow attribute
- onstalled
- The
onstalled attribute
- onsubmit
- The
onsubmit attribute
- onsuspend
- The
onsuspend attribute
- ontimeupdate
- The
ontimeupdate attribute
- ontouchcancel
- The
ontouchcancel attribute
- ontouchend
- The
ontouchend attribute
- ontouchmove
- The
ontouchmove attribute
- ontouchstart
- The
ontouchstart attribute
- onunload
- The
onunload attribute
- onvolumechange
- The
onvolumechange attribute
- onwaiting
- The
onwaiting attribute
<span onclick="">...</span>
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