HTML 5 metatag Elements
Format of HTML metatag elements
HTML metatag elements have a content attribute and
either a name attribute or an http-equiv attribute.
<meta name="..." content="..."/>
<meta http-equiv="..." content="..."/>
Converting to HTML 5
We are working on converting to HTML 5.
Please visit Meta Tags in HTML 5 on the
HTML 5 standard version of this site.
Most Common Metatags
The most commonly used HTML metatags include:
Metatags for Search Engine Optimization (
Metatags for HTML pages on Mobile / Handheld Devices
List of HTML Metatags
This is a complete list of HTML metatags documented here:
The name="application-name" Metatag
The name="author" Metatag
The name="classification" Metatag
The name="copyright" Metatag
The name="description" Metatag
The name="formatter" Metatag
The name="generator" Metatag
The name="google" Metatag
The name="googlebot" Metatag
The http-equiv Metatag
The name="HandheldFriendly" Metatag
The name="keywords" Metatag
The name="rating" Metatag
The name="robots" Metatag
The name="verify" Metatag
The name="viewport" Metatag
The name="application-name" Metatag |
The name="application-name" HTML metatag
<meta name="application-name" content=""/>
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The name="author" Metatag |
The name="author" HTML metatag
<meta name="author" content=""/>
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The name="classification" Metatag |
The name="classification" HTML metatag
The classification metatag
<meta name="classification" content=""/>
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The name="copyright" Metatag |
The name="copyright" HTML metatag
<meta name="copyright" content="Copyright © 2010 Accilent® Corp."/>
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The name="description" Metatag |
The name="description" HTML metatag
The description metatag contains a human-readable summary of the web page.
The description may appear in the results of some search engines.
<meta name="description" content="A reference of HTML tags, attributes and metatags
in HTML version 5, and the differences between HTML version 4 and version 5."/>
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The name="formatter" Metatag |
The name="formatter" HTML metatag
The formatter metatag
<meta name="formatter" content=""/>
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The name="generator" Metatag |
The name="generator" HTML metatag
The generator metatag
<meta name="generator" content=""/>
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The name="google" Metatag |
The name="google" HTML metatag
The google metatag provides directives for the Google search engine.
- notranslate
- indicates that the page should not be translated
into other spoken languages by Google Translate
For translation of literals on HTML pages, such as those used in forms and tables, see the project
in Google code.
<meta name="google" content="notranslate"/>
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The name="googlebot" Metatag |
The name="googlebot" HTML metatag
The googlebot metatag is equivalent to the
robots metatag
but provides directives specifically for the Googlebot robot
and is supposed to be ignored by other web robots, crawlers and spiders.
- archive / noarchive
- indicates whether or not the page should be archived by Google
- follow / nofollow
- indicates whether or not Googlebot should continue to crawl
other pages referenced in the hypertext links on the page
- imageindex / noimageindex
- indicates whether or not the page should appear as the
referring page for images that appear in Google's search results
- index / noindex
- indicates whether or not the page should be included in Google's search index
- odp / noodp
- indicates whether or not the description from the
should be used
- snippet / nosnippet
- indicates whether or not a snippet of the web page
should be shown in the search engine's results
- unavailable_after:date
- allows specifying the time and date that Googlebot
should discontinue crawling and indexing the page
<meta name="googlebot" content="noarchive"/>
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The http-equiv Metatag |
The http-equiv HTML metatag
Default Style
The http-equiv="default-style" metatag specifies the default
style sheet for the page. For example, this could be a site-wide template:
<meta http-equiv="default-style" content="/site-template.xsl ; type=application/xslt+xml"/>
Meta Refresh
The http-equiv="refresh" metatag can be used to refresh the current page
at regular intervals or redirect to a different page after a given period of time.
The first parameter of content is the time to wait, in seconds.
The second parameter is the URL of the next page to be displayed and is optional.
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10"/>
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;"/>
http-equiv Metatag for Other HTTP Headers
Other frequently used http-equiv metatags for HTTP headers include:
- which indicates how long the page should remain in the client's cache
- which indicates how or when the content should be displayed
- which indicates how the document is encoded, in terms of
both the character encoding used and the syntax of the content.
- which is an alternative way of indicating when the content should expire from cache
X-UA-Compatible is used to indicate to an IE browser
which version of the rendering engine should be used to display the page.
This metatag does not affect other browsers such as Firefox and Opera,
which in general attempt to avoid bloating the size of the browser code
by displaying web pages only one way according to established standards.
(Supporting multiple rendering engines presents some major challenges, especially when
content rendered by one engine accesses embedded content rendered by a different engine).
<meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache"/>
<meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="max-age=120"/>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Disposition" content="inline; filename=spreadsheet.xls"/>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="application/xhtml+xml;charset=UTF-8"/>
<meta http-equiv="Expires" content="Day, dd Mon yyyy hh:mm:ss GMT"/>
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8"/>
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"/>
Differences between HTML 5 and earlier versions
http-equiv="Content-Language" has been deprecated.
The lang attribute
should be used instead.
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The name="HandheldFriendly" Metatag |
The name="HandheldFriendly" HTML metatag
<meta name="HandheldFriendly" content="true"/>
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The name="keywords" Metatag |
The name="keywords" HTML metatag
<meta name="keywords" content="html5,html 5,html codes,html tags,html elements,html tutorial,html coding"/>
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The name="rating" Metatag |
The name="rating" HTML metatag
The rating metatag
<meta name="rating" content=""/>
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The name="robots" Metatag |
The name="robots" HTML metatag
The robots metatag provides directives for search engine crawlers.
- archive / noarchive
- indicates whether or not the page should be archived by a search engine
- follow / nofollow
- indicates whether or not the robot should continue to crawl
other pages referenced in the hypertext links on the page
- imageindex / noimageindex
- indicates whether or not the page should appear as the
referring page for images that appear in search engine results
- index / noindex
- indicates whether or not the page should be included in the search engine's index
- odp / noodp
- indicates whether or not the description from the
should be used
- snippet / nosnippet
- indicates whether or not a snippet of the web page
should be shown in the search engine's results
- unavailable_after:date
- allows specifying the time and date that robots
should discontinue crawling and indexing the page
<meta name="robots" content="index,follow"/>
<meta name="robots" content="index,nofollow"/>
<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow"/>
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The name="verify" Metatag |
The name="verify" HTML metatag
The verify metatag on the default page of a web site is used to
verify the ownership of the web site for access from Google Webmaster Tools.
<meta name="verify-v1" content="aBCdefGHIjK/mnOpQRSTUVWxyzabCdEfGhIJKlMnoPQ="/>
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The name="viewport" Metatag |
The name="viewport" HTML metatag
The viewport metatag
Content of the viewport metatag
device-width or a floating-point value
device-height or a floating-point value
- a boolean true/false value indicated by
0 or 1
- a floating-point value
- a floating-point value
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width; height=device-height; user-scalable=1; initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=1.4"/>
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Last updated Sunday September 19, 2010