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Address Microdata
Address microdata identifies a physical geographic location by its mailing address. Although sometimes used by itself, it can also be used for the value of a property of another microdata item, such as a Person or Business or Organization.
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
This is an actual working example of the Address microdata example code below.
Item type: http://data-vocabulary.org/Address
Property | Description | |
street-address | The street address, including the street number and street name. | |
locality | The city, town or other locality. | |
region | The state, province, territory or other region of the country. | |
postal-code | The postal code. | |
country-name | The country name part of the address. |
Address microdata example
(see Address microdata demo above)
<div itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Address"> <span itemprop="street-address">123456 Seventh Street</span><br/> <span itemprop="locality">Beverly Hills</span>, <span itemprop="region">CA</span> <span itemprop="postal-code">90210</span><br/> <span itemprop="country-name">USA</span> </div>
As explained in the description of the <br/> tag, a mailing address is one place where use of the break tag is appropriate.