Microdata for Reviews and Ratings


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Microdata for Reviews and Ratings

Individual Reviews

Item type: http://data-vocabulary.org/Review

itemreviewedThe name of what is being reviewed.
ratingA numerical rating between 1 (worst) and 5 (best) or a Rating microformat item, which allows ratings based on any scale.
reviewerThe name or URL of the author of the review or a Person microformat item for the reviewer.
dtreviewedThe date of the review in ISO date format, which is yyyy-mm-dd. If the <time> tag is used for the item property value, the ISO date is obtained from the datetime attribute and the date can also be represented in human-readable format.
descriptionThe main body of the review.
summaryA short summary of the review.
Aggregated Reviews

An aggregated review is a summary of all of the reviews for a given item. The rating would be an average rating of all of the reviews.

Item type: http://data-vocabulary.org/Review-aggregate

itemreviewedThe name of what is being reviewed.
ratingA aggregate rating between 1 (worst) and 5 (best) or a Rating microformat item, which allows ratings based on any scale.
countThe number of reviews for the item.
votesThe number of users who rated the item.
summaryA short overall summary of the reviews.
A single review of a book
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
9 out of 10
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is a fantasy novel written by J. K. Rowling. It is the first of a series of seven Harry Potter books and when it was originally published in Britain, the title was Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. It is about the adventures of the adolescent wizard Harry Potter and his friends and starts when an evil wizard kills his parents to try and conquer the magical people and the Muggles, who are the normal non-magical people.
I really liked this book.
John Doe
Second Unit Director
Directors Guild of America
<dl itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Review">  
   <dt><label>Title:</label> <span itemprop="itemreviewed">Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone</span></dt>
   <dd><label>Rating:</label> <span itemprop="rating" itemscope="itemscope"
      itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Rating"><span itemprop="value">9</span>
      out of <span itemprop="best">10</span></span></dd>
   <dd><label>Date reviewed:</label> <time itemprop="dtreviewed" datetime="2011-04-01">April 1, 2011</time></dd>
   <dd><label>Description:</label> <span itemprop="description"><cite>Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone</cite>
      is a fantasy novel written by J. K. Rowling. It is the first of a series of seven Harry Potter books and when
      it was originally published in Britain, the title was <cite>Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone</cite>.
      It is about the adventures of the adolescent wizard Harry Potter and his friends and
      starts when an evil wizard kills his parents to try and conquer the magical people
      and the <dfn>Muggles</dfn>, who are the normal non-magical people.</span></dd>
   <dd><label>Summary:</label> <span itemprop="summary">I really liked this book.</span></dd>
      <dl itemprop="reviewer" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Person">  
         <dt itemprop="name">John Doe</dt>
         <dd><label>Nickname:</label> <span itemprop="nickname">Jack</span></dd>
         <dd><label>Title:</label> <span itemprop="title">Second Unit Director</span></dd>
         <dd><label>Role:</label> <span itemprop="role">Director</span></dd>
         <dd><label>URL:</label> <span itemprop="url">http://www.ActingParts.com/directors/John.Doe/</span></dd>
         <dd><label>Affiliation:</label> <span itemprop="affiliation">Directors Guild of America</span></dd>
A summary of book reviews
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
8.5 out of 10 based on 745 user ratings
Most people seem to like this book.
<dl itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Review-aggregate">  
   <dt><label>Title:</label> <span itemprop="itemreviewed">Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone</span></dt>
   <dd><label>Rating:</label> <span itemprop="rating" itemscope="itemscope"
      itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Rating"><span itemprop="value">8.5</span>
      out of <span itemprop="best">10</span></span> based on <span itemprop="votes">745</span> user ratings</dd>
   <dd><label>Number of user reviews:</label> <span itemprop="count">15</span></dd>
   <dd><label>Summary:</label> <span itemprop="summary">Most people seem to like this book.</span></dd>

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