<a href="..." ...> | hypertext link |
accesskey charset coords hreflang media ping rel rev shape target type |
<a id="..."/> | ../definitions/placemark link(anchor) |
name |
<abbr> | acronym or abbreviation | clear common |
<acronym> | acronyms, deprecated | |
<address> | contact information for ancestor
or <body> | common |
<applet> | Java applets, deprecated | |
<area/> | area inside image maps | accesskey alt coords href hreflang media nohref ping rel shape target type common |
<article> | Newsectioning tag
for main article
| pubdate common |
<aside> | Newsectioning tag
for sidebar
| common |
<audio> | New
embedded audio content
| autobuffer autoplay controls loop src common |
<b> | bold keywords or other text with no extra importance | common |
<bb> | New | type common |
<bdo> | bi-directional text override | dir common |
<bgsound> | background sound, deprecated | |
<big> | larger text, deprecated | |
<blockquote> | block of quoted text | cite common |
<br/> | line break | common |
<button> | standalone pushbutton | accesskey autofocus disabled form formaction formenctype formmethod formnovalidate formtarget name type value common |
<canvas> | New | height width common |
<caption> | table caption | align common |
<center> | centered blocks, deprecated | |
<cite> | citation | common |
<code> | program code | common |
<col/> | table column | align char charoff span valign width common |
<colgroup> | group of table columns | align char charoff span valign width common |
<command/> | New | accesskey checked default disabled hidden icon label radiogroup type common |
<datagrid> | New | disabled common |
<datalist> | New | common |
<dd> | definition description | common |
<del> | deleted text | cite datetime common |
<details> | New | open common |
<dialog> | New | common |
<dir> | directory listing, deprecated | |
<div> | division | align common |
<dfn> | inline defined term | title="defined term" title="definition" common |
<dl> | definition list | compact common |
<dt> | term defined in list | common |
<em> | emphasized text | common |
<embed/> | New | height src type width common |
<fieldset> | | disabled form name common |
<figure> | New | common |
<fn> | footnotes, deprecated | |
<font> | font, deprecated | |
<footer> | New
footer section
| common |
<form> | form | accept accept-charset action data enctype method replace target common |
<frame> | frames, deprecated | |
<frameset> | top level element for a web page with frames, deprecated | |
<h1><h2><h3><h4><h5><h6> | heading levels 1-6 | align common |
<header> | New
header section
| |
<hgroup> | New
group of headings for section
| common |
<hr/> | horizontal rule for a thematic break | align noshade size width common |
<i> | italics for technical terms, phrases in other languages, etc. | common |
<iframe> | inline frame | align frameborder height longdesc marginheight marginwidth name sandbox seamless scrolling src width common |
<img/> | image | align alt border height hspace ismap longdesc name src usemap vspace width common |
<input/> | input field or control | accept accesskey align alt autocomplete autofocus checked disabled form formaction formenctype formmethod formnovalidate formtarget height list max maxlength min multiple name pattern placeholder readonly required size src step type value width common |
<ins> | inserted text | cite datetime common |
<kbd> | keyboard input | common |
<label> | label for form control | for common |
<legend> | | accesskey align common |
<li> | list item | type value (<ol> only)
common |
<mark> | New
mark selected text
| common |
<map> | image map | name common |
<menu> | menu list | compact label type common |
<meter> | New
meter or gauge
| high low max min optimum value common |
<nav> | New
navigation section
| common |
<noembed> | Alternate content to be displayed when the <embed/> tag is not supported, deprecated | No replacement needed since the embed tag has been standardized in HTML 5 |
<noframes> | Alternate content to be displayed when frames are not supported, deprecated | No replacement needed since frames have been removed from the HTML 5 standard |
<noscript> | fallback content when scripting is disabled | common |
<object> | embedded object | align archive border classid codebase codetype data declare height hspace object standby type usemap vspace width common |
<ol> | ordered list | compact reversed start type common |
<optgroup> | option group | disabled label common |
<option> | option in selection list | disabled label selected value common |
<output> | New | form common |
<p> | paragraph | align common |
<param/> | parameter for object | name type value valuetype common |
<pre> | preformatted text | width common |
<progress> | New
progress bar
| max value common |
<q> | quotation | cite common |
<rp> | Newparenthesized ruby text
| common |
<rt> | Newruby text
| common |
<ruby> | Newruby annotation
| common |
<s> | strike-through text, deprecated | |
<samp> | sample program code | common |
<section> | New
| cite common |
<select> | selection list | autofocus data disabled form multiple name common |
<small> | smaller text for comments and legalese | common |
<source/> | New
external media source
| media src type common |
<span> | inline group | common |
<strike> | strike-through text, deprecated | |
<strong> | text with greater importance | common |
<sub> | subscript | common |
<sup> | superscript | common |
<table> | table layout | align bgcolor border cellpadding cellspacing frame rules summary width common |
<tbody> | table body | align char charoff valign common |
<td> | table cell | abbr align axis bgcolor char charoff colspan headers height nowrap rowspan scope valign width common |
<textarea> | text input area | accesskey autofocus cols disabled form maxlength name placeholder readonly required rows wrap common |
<tfoot> | table footer | align char charoff valign common |
<th> | table column heading | abbr align axis bgcolor char charoff height nowrap valign width common |
<thead> | table heading | align char charoff valign common |
<time> | New
time and/or date
| datetime common |
<tr> | table row | align bgcolor char charoff valign common |
<tt> | teletype text, deprecated | |
<u> | underlined text, deprecated | |
<ul> | unordered list | compact type common |
<var> | variable | common |
<video> | New
embedded video
| autobuffer autoplay controls height loop poster src width common |
<xmp> | example code using preformatted text, deprecated | |